It is a great pleasure to share with you our 5 points in Food and Hygiene Ratings. We are proud and keep aiming high to satisfy our customers.
በምግብ አያያዝና ጥራት ከፍተኛውን 5 ነጥብ የማግኘታችንን ዜና ለእናንተ ስናጋራ በታላቅ ደስታ ነው። በሥራችን እንኮራለን ይህንንም ከፍ ላለ ደረጃ በማድረስ ደንበኞቻችንን የማርካት የሁልጊዜ ግባችን ነው።
Wow, you are of course amazing and awesome. You deserve every bit of success you have earned with your hard work. Well-done you!